
MLNC is very fortunate to have a number of players who have achieved incredible milestones for the club, showing years of dedication and loyalty. We celebrate each and every milestone and are so proud of all of our amazing players.

This page is a work in progress - if you are aware of any milestones that have been missed, please let us know.

300 game milestones

  • Aoise Noone (Open 4)

  • N/A

  • N/A

  • N/A

  • N/A

  • N/A

  • Jessica Press (nee Williamson) (SA6)

250 game milestones

  • N/A

  • Olive Whennen (SA5)

  • N/A

  • Aoise Noone (SA6)

    Jerri-Lee Matthews (SB4)

  • Jacqui White (nee Aleander) (SA5)

  • Work in progress

  • Work in progress

  • Work in progress

  • Jessica Press (nee Williamson) (SA5)

    Laura Bernhardt (nee Clarke) (SA5)

  • Work in progress

  • Work in progress

  • Work in progress

  • Hayley Parker (SA5)

200 game milestones

  • Michigan Taylor (SA7)

  • Catherine Boyes (SA8)

    Julia Dymond (SB3)

    Kady Sherwood (SB8)

  • Brooke Sorrell (SB3)

    Courtney Hill (SB7)

    Ella Brindley (SA8)

    Georgia Latto (SB6)

  • N/A

  • Jacqui White (nee Alexander) (SA5)

    Kate Clarke (SB4)

  • Olive Whennen (SA5)

    Remainder work in progress

  • Sarah Cocken (SB4)

  • Eilish Draper (SB3)

    Hannah Oxwell (SA8)

    Hannah Price (SA8)

    Jerri-Lee Matthews (SC2)

    Shairah Dick (SB6)

  • Aoise Noone (SA7)

  • Work in progress

  • Work in progress

  • Laura Bernhardt (nee Clarke) (SA3)

  • N/A

  • Jessica Press (nee Williamson) (SA3)

  • N/A

  • Hayley Parker (SA6)

    Sharyn Smith (SA6)

150 game milestones

  • Abby Arnold (SA5)

    Chantelle Fyfe (SA4)

    Kelly Head (SA7)

    Lillie Bartorelli (SB3)

    Lucy Grime (U19/1)

    Rebecca Ciotti (SA4)

  • Alicia Featherstone (SB6)

    Ashlee Fardon (U19/1)

    Ashleigh McIntyre (SB6)

    Bree Holman (SA8)

    Chelsea Johnston (SA3)

  • N/A

  • Michigan Taylor (SB4)

  • Emma Panizza (SA4)

    Faith Behan (SB3)

    Kady Sherwood (U17/6)

    Lauren Bracewell (SA5)

  • Alice Gallen (U17/3)

    Ashleigh Rosevear (SB5)

    Brooke Sorrell (U17/3)

    Ella Brindley (SA7)

    Remainder work in progress

  • Clare Keane (U17/2)

    Georgia Latto (SB6)

    Hannah Sorrell (SB3)

    Julia Dymond (SB6)

  • Catherine Boyes (SB3)

    Claire Keane (U17/3)

    Kate Clarke (SB6)

  • Sarah Cocken (U17/5)

    Talitha Phiri (SB1)

    Yasmin Orwin-Schell (SA5)

  • Work in progress

  • Allysha Sprunt (SC3)

    Hannah Oxwell (SA7)

    Phoebe Oxwell (U17/1)

  • Jerri-Lee Matthews (U19/3)

    Shairah Dick (U17/2)

  • Hannah Price (U17/6)

  • N/A

  • N/A

  • N/A

  • Laura Bernhardt (nee Clarke) (SA6)

    Sharyn Smith (SA6)

  • N/A

  • Hayler Parker (SB1)

    Sharyn Smith (SB1)

100 game milestones

  • Aleisha Jarvis (15/U 2)

    Caitlyn Chea (15/U 2)

    Esther Ferguson (15/U 1)

    Hazel Depiazz (15/U 4)

    Nicole Wharton-Street (15/U 4)

    Sienna Day-Jones (14/U 2)

    Sofia Flores (15/U 2)

  • Abbey Adam (JA4)

    Bianca Lindley (U19/1)

    Bianca Stubbs (U17/9)

    Bridget Garrity (SA5)

    Carriss Merredew (U17/4)

    Charlotte Grace (JB3)

    Chloe MacDonald (JC1)

    Emma Atkinson (U19/1)

    Lani Burvill (U17/6)

    Lilah Testa (JB1)

    Sarah Atkinson (U19/1)

    Shaila Martinovich (U17/6)

    Sophie Davey (JA3)

    Teagan Rooney (JA3)

  • Alice Wright (U19/1)

    Brooklyn Clements-Smits (U17/7)

    Dani MacDonald (SA5)

    Eva Rugless (JD1)

    Kahla Olsen (JA5)

    Megan McKee (SA8)

    Olivia Garrity (SB6)

    Sophie Janowski (nee Dunnet) (SA5)

  • Chantelle Fyfe (SA8)

    Courtney Spencer (SA4)

    Georgette Keating (JA1)

    Heather Macauley (nee Smith) (SA5)

    Holly van der Linden (SB7)

    Imogen Muskarovsky (U17/2)

    Jersey Thurston (JA7)

    Kathleen McCoy (JB2)

    Kira Balmont (U17/2)

    Lucinda Moorhouse (JB2)

    Maia Delgado (JA1)

    Paige Fletcher (nee Williams) (SB3)

  • Bronte Diggle (17U/6)

    Madelyn Wolczyk (17U/6)

    Mischa Covich (JB1)

    Ruby Martinovich (JB1)

    Sophie Brown (19U/2)

  • Abby Arnold (JA2)

    Ali Fairchild (JA5)

    Alicia Featherstone (U17/6)

    Ashlee Fardon (JA2)

    Courtney Zorn (SA5)

    Ella Redman (SA4)

    Emily English (JA2)

    Georgia Davey (JC4)

    Keely-Jade Smith (JA5)

    Kelly Head (SA7)

    Lucy Grime (JC2)

    Miki Fairchild (JA5)

    Rebecca Ciotti (SA4)

  • Bree Holman (U17/3)

    Issy Baile (U17/8)

    Julie Rivers (SA6)

    Lauren Drury (nee Batch) (SA6)

    Monica Voncina (SB5)

    Nicole Smith (U17/10)

    Remainder work in progress

  • Ella Bartorelli (U17/2)

    Jya Oxwell (U17/5)

    Kate Panizza (SA4)

    Remainder work in progress

  • Emma Panizza (U17/3)

    Faith Behan (U17/7)

    Lauren Bracewell (SA6)

  • Alice Gallen (JA7)

    Ashleigh Rosevear (JA3)

    Brooke Sorrell (JA7)

    Cara Wood (U19/4)

    Elle Sherwin (SB1)

    Georgia Latto (U19/4)

    Kady Sherwood (JA7)

    Madeleine Marsh (JA3)

  • Work in progresss

  • Olive Whennen (U17/1)

    Remy Curtis (JB6)

    Sarah Cocken (JA5)

    Yasmin Rother (U19/4)

  • Catherine Boyes (JA7)

    Eilish Draper (JA4)

    Lisa Velletri (JA4)

    Rhian Widger (U19/2)

    Samantha Carbon (U17/2)

    Verity Griffiths (U17/9)

  • Aoise Noone (JB2)

    Danielle Norman (U17/11)

    Ebony Draper (U17/4)

    Kareesa Woodley (U17/6)

    Phoebe Oxwell (JB2)

    Talitha Phiri (U17/6)

  • Abigail Cocken (JB7)

    Allysha Sprunt (U19/3)

    Claire Younger (U19/3)

    Hannah Oxwell (U17/6)

    Jesse-Tayla Russell (JB7)

    Katie Clark (U17/6)

    Lucy Clark (JB2)

    Maddison Sutherland (JB7)

    Siara Taylor (JB2)

  • Emily Tempest (JB4)

    Hannah Price (JB2)

    Jacqui White (nee Alexander) (SA4)

    Jerri-Lee Matthews (U17)

    Lishan Dick (JB2)

    Rebekah Jones (JB2)

    Roya Abshar (JB4)

    Shairah Dick (JD2)

  • Kate Clarke (SA10)

  • Katie Masters (SA6)

  • Linola Krajcovic (SA7)

  • Alysia Verdone (SB1)

  • Laura Bernhardt (nee Clarke) (U19/1)

  • Jessica Press (nee Williamson) (U17/3)

    Madeline Cahill (U17/7)

  • N/A

  • Angie Lovell (JA3)

    Hayler Parker (JA3)

    Miyuki Honma (U17/6)

    Sharyn Smith (JA3)

50 game milestones

  • Alice Gallen (11/U 1)

    Hikaru Kay (14/U 5)

    Jane Davis (15/U 2)

    Jessica Hancock (15/U 4)

    Kai Painta (11/U 4)

    Macey McDougall (15/U 1)

    Samara Bilney (11/U 1)

    Shallira Austin (13/U 2)

  • Alison Oliver (SB7)

    Amelie Daws (JA6)

    Ava Tyson (U17/4)

    Chloe Marshall (JE5)

    Dayna Sharpe (SA5)

    Ella Wilkinson (U17/6)

    Eloise Daws (U17/6)

    Emily Martindale (JE1)

    Harriet Singleton (JD4)

    Haylee Wright (JC1)

    Isabelle Goodall (JA6)

    Jacie Albrecht (U17/4)

    Janika Walton (JA4)

    Kalani Pianta (GO-F1)

    Kiara Bateman (SB6)

    Lauren Watts (SA4)

    Lola Hurrell (JC4)

    Olivia Evans (JD3)

    Penny Wilkins (JD3)

    Raschelle Martindale (SB2)

    Rohan Price (SA4)

    Rosie Phillips (JA3)

    Willow Davies (JE1)

    Zara Wakelin (JE5)

  • Jamie Smillie (SA8)

    Lauren Tait (SA5)

    McKenna Polak (U19/1)

    Reini Tutuki (SA3)

  • Abbie Lewis (JE5)

    Brianna Rodden (JE3)

    Caitlyn Chea (JD4)

    Casey Ballantyne (SA3)

    Casey Farrell (JC4)

    Charlie Palmer (JB6)

    Chelsea Stubbs (JD5)

    Courtney Binns (JE3)

    Daniella Bill (U17/7)

    Emily Hancock (JE3)

    Hannah Binns (JC7)

    Hannah Dennis (JC7)

    Hazel Depiazz (JD5)

    Holly Cawthan (JD1)

    Imogen Gracie (U17/7)

    Isla McIntosh (JE1)

    Junea Taylor (JD1)

    Lana Nicholls (JD1)

    Livinia Nugrahanto (JD6)

    Lola Ritchie (JE1)

    Mackenzie Reynolds (JB3)

    Millie West (JC7)

    Naveah Pekan (JD5)

    Nicole Wharton-Street (JD4)

    Phoebe Bell (U17/4)

    Ruby Radcliffe (JD5)

    Sienna Bennett (JB2)

    Sienna Day Jones (JE5)

    Skye Balmont (JC2)

    Sofia Flores (JF1)

    Sophie Paul (U17/7)

    Tahlia Sheppard (SB6)

    Tara Bell (JA1)

  • Abigail Hunt (JD7)

    Aleisha Jarvis (JE1)

    Alexandra Davies (JC3)

    Ashlee Peterson (GO-F6)

    Bianca Lindley (JA3)

    Bridget Garrity (JA3)

    Charlotte Grace (JE2)

    Chelsea Smith (JE2)

    Chloe MacDonald (GO-F1)

    Chloe Moore (JD2)

    Chloe Mowday (U19/2)

    Esther Ferguson (JE1)

    Eva Rugless (GO-F1)

    Isabella Allison (JA7)

    Isabelle Dyer (JD3)

    Isabelle Rivers (JE2)

    Kaya Coskun (JC2)

    Lani Burvill (JC7)

    Lauren Preedy (SA3)

    Layla Goddward (JE2)

    Lilah Testa (JE2)

    Matilda Pasco (JE2)

    Mia Graham (JC3)

    Michelle Gardner (SA4)

    Rachel Daff (JD5)

    Stephanie Cornell (SB5)

    Taige Sullivan (U17/2)

    Vanessa McCrea (SA3)

  • Abbey Adam (JE5)

    Alice Wright (JB4)

    Angelique Ebert-Grobler (JA5)

    Bianca Stubbs (JD8)

    Brooklyn Clements-Smith (JB7)

    Carriss Merredew (JD3)

    Elissa Gallichan (JD2)

    Emma Wright (JA2)

    Gemma Tungate (JE6)

    Grace Spencer (JD3)

    Jayde Gordon (JC4)

    Jorja English (JF2)

    Layla McClure (JD2)

    Miranda Lawrence (JD2)

    Misty Wright (JE2)

    Ruby Redman (JC2)

    Shaila Martinovich (JD3)

    Sophie Davey (JE5)

    Sophie Glance (JA3)

    Teagan Rooney (JE2)

  • Ava Zappara-Vakingur (JD5)

    Courtney Spencer (SA7)

    Dani MacDonald (SA5)

    Izzy Morisey (JD1)

    Jess Unkovich (SA5)

    Kahla Olsen (JE3)

    Kathleen McCoy (JE3)

    Lilly Grace (JD6)

    Mia Tavani (JD1)

    Rachel Burns (U17/10)

    Shannon Adam (U17/10)

    Remainder work in progress

  • Bronte Diggle (JC3)

    Ella Redman (U17/2)

    Leah Hewitson (JD5)

    Mischa Covich (JE2)

    Olivia Garrity (JB6)

    Renee Keating (JB6)

    Ruby Martinovich (JE2)

    Remainder work in progress

  • Abby Arnold (JD3)

    Ali Fairchild (JD4)

    Ashlee Fardon (JD3)

    Brianna Holman (U17/7)

    Chantelle Fyfe (SA8)

    Charlotte Newton (SC4)

    Chloe Parima (JD5)

    Darcey Pendergast (JA6)

    Eliza Lock (U17/3)

    Ella Boniwell (JD3)

    Emily English (JD3)

    Georgia Davey (JE4)

    Georgia Hewitson (JA7)

    Jacinta Laurino (SA4)

    Kate Walsh (JA7)

    Keely Jade Smith (JD3)

    Lucy Grime (JF4)

    Lucy Wills (JD4)

    Madelyn Wolczyk (JD4)

    Mikaela Baile (JD4)

    Miki Fairchild (JD4)

    Paige Fletcher (nee Williams) (SC2)

    Phebe Carlton (SB3)

    Rowie Stewart (SA4)

  • Abigail Moorhouse (JD3)

    Alicia Featherstone (JB7)

    Ella Bartorelli (JA3)

    Emily Ward (JD3)

    Grace Panizza (SB4)

    Gracie Sewell (JB7)

    Lena Pritchard (SB4)

    Lillie Bartorelli (U17/5)

    Mia Willis (JB7)

    Monica Voncina (JA3)

    Olivia Willis (JB7)

    Sophie Walsh (JA3)

    Supreeya Sammons (U17/5)

    Tylah McCoy (JD3)

  • Work in progress

  • Alice Robson (SB4)

    Chelsea Fraser (U17/1)

    Julie Rivers (SA7)

    Heather Macauley (nee Smith) (SA6)

    Madeleine Jorritsma-Barber (JE2)

    Mathilda Richards (JE2)

    Nancy Levin (JD4)

    Nicole Smith (JE2)

  • Alexandra Latto (JE7)

    Alice Gallen (JE2)

    Bella Dans (JE5)

    Brooke Sorrell (JE2)

    Caitlin Blackman (JD2)

    Cara Wood (JB8)

    Carrie Ashby (SA6)

    Chelsea Pimm (SB5)

    Chloe Tharle (JE2)

    Faith Behan (JE2)

    Georgia Rath (JA7)

    Georgina Standish (SA6)

    Hannah Bluett (JB8)

    Heather Cattani (JA1)

    Jenna Smith (JF3)

    Jya Oxwell (JE2)

    Kady Sherwood (JE7)

    Katie Anderson (SA3)

    Kristina Lang (JA4)

    Lauren Bracewell (SA3)

    Lucy Scott (U17/2)

    Maddie Hughes (U17/9)

    Marina Attwater (SA6)

    Piper Curtis (JE5)

    Tess Howson (JA4)

    Tyleisha Barton (JE2)

  • Aisling Keane (JB7)

    Ashleigh Morris (JE2)

    Ashleigh Rosevear (JE2)

    Beth Tavani (JF2)

    Clare Keane (JE2)

    Courtney Hill (JE2)

    Darcy Harry (JE2)

    Ella Brindley (JB2)

    Elle Sherwin (SC2)

    Eloise Hartill (JE2)

    Emily Bagnall (JE7)

    Emma Musca (JE2)

    Hannah Sorrell (U17/9)

    Hope Collins (U17/6)

    Jaimee Wallace (JE2)

    Maddie DiPrinzio (JB7)

    Madeleine Marsh (JE2)

    Mahalia Aiyana (JB7)

    Meg Rodgers (U17/6)

    Mikayla Doyle (JA7)

    Renee Banovich (SA5)

    Samantha Mitcham (JA7)

    Shauna O’Neill (SC2)

    Sofia Carcione (JE2)

    Sophie Tremain-Hill (JE2)

  • Amy Drennan (U17/6)

    Arabella Holloway (JE4)

    Chandlah Burling (JC2)

    Devonny Sherwood (JE1)

    Emma Carbon (JC2)

    Jenny Young (SA5)

    Jocelyn Fisher (JD3)

    Julia Dymond (U19/3)

    Kate Potts (SC2)

    Lucy Loxton (U17/6)

    Maggie O’Neill (SC2)

    Natasha Cocken (JE1)

    Olive Whennen (JC2)

    Pru Thompson (SB4)

    Sarah Cocken (JE1)

    Stephanie Dymond (U19/3)

    Taylor Renouf (JE1)

    Waverly Burling (JE1)

  • Catherine Boyes (JD7)

    Devonny Sherwood (JF1)

    Eilish Draper (JE2)

    Elizabeth Burns-Dans (JB4)

    Elizabeth Harland (JC5)

    Elliza Skinner (JD7)

    Emily Ritchie (JE2)

    Georgia Latto (JE2)

    Jami Hill (SA10)

    Kareesa Woodley (JB2)

    Lisa Velletri (JD6)

    Melissa Tasovac (JC5)

    Rachel Argoon (U17)

    Remy Curtis (JF1)

    Rhian Widger (JA4)

    Samantha Carbon (JC2)

    Samantha Thomas (JE2)

    Talitha Phiri (JB2)

    Verity Griffiths (JB4)

    Yasmin Rother (JB4)

  • Chelsea Curtis (JB4)

    Emily McCormick (JB5)

    Emma Tremain-Hill (JE6)

    Hannah Oxwell (JB4)

    Hattie Steele (JE6)

    Hayley Burnett (JD7)

    Kate McDonald (50 games)

    Keely Kenton (JD2)

    Lachie Price (JE2)

    Michigan Taylor (JB5)

    Phoebe Oxwell (JE2)

    Zoe Jaques (JB4)

  • Abigail Cocken (JE6)

    Alice Wardell-Johnson (JB6)

    Allysha Sprunt (JB6)

    Aoise Noone (JF3)

    Brittney Barber-Cocken (JB6)

    Brooke Skinner (JE7)

    Chloe Sullivan (JC8)

    Claire Younger (JB6)

    Danielle Norman (JD7)

    Ebony Draper (JD2)

    India Csendes (JB6)

    Jacqui White (nee Alexander) (SA6)

    Jesse-Tayla Russell (JE6)

    Kaitlin Smith (JE7)

    Katie Clark (JC6)

    Lucy Clark (JE6)

    Maddison Sutherland (JE6)

    Olivia Sturtridge (JD2)

    Pia Rodgers (JE3)

    Shelby Amaranti (JD7)

    Siara Taylor (JE3)

    Shairah Dick (JF3)

    Stephanie Maher (JB6)

    Tahlia Clements (JF3)

  • Anna Scarlett (JE4)

    Courtney Hasler (JE6)

    Emily Tempest (JE4)

    Hannah Price (JE4)

    Hannah Wynne (JC8)

    Jerri-Lee Matthews (JC9)

    Lishan Dick (JE4)

    Rebekah Jones (JE4)

    Roya Abshar (JE4)

  • N/A

  • Katherine Masters (U19/1)

    Toria Richardson (U19/3)

  • N/A

  • Christine Maddison (JD5)

    Danielle Taylor (JA7)

    Jasmine Mumford (JA7)

    Rebecca Lait (JC6)

    Sara McDonald (JA7)

    Sarah McCarthy (U17/5)

    Zahra Kabriti (JD5)

  • Alysia Verdonk (JA3)

    Amy Welsh (U17/6)

    Bianca Dunphy (U17/6)

    Emily Keddie (JD6)

    Grace Pappeldendan (JD6)

    Holly Gibson (JD6)

    Kate Burke (JD6)

    Kathryn Rollins (JD6)

    Kirsty Terrell (JD5)

    Laura Bernhardt (nee Clarke) (JA5)

    Linda Kraskovic (JA3)

    Meagan Welsh (U17/6)

    Rebecca Bufton (JD6)

    Rebecca Sedgwick (JD6)

    Richelle Lovell (JC9)

    Stevie McCarthy (JA5)

    Tegan Cox-Martin (JC3)

  • Caira Jones (JB6)

    Caitlin Davis (JB3)

    Casey Harman (JD4)

    Jessica Press (nee Williamson) (JB3)

    Kate Davidson (JD4)

    Kimiko Honma (JD4)

  • Angie Lovell (JC4)

    Ashleigh Simpson (JD4)

    Hayley Hubbard (JC5)

    Hayley Parker (JC4)

    Jake Higginson (JD4)

    Katie Clarke (JE6)

    Kimberley Thorogood (JD4)

    Laura Fullerton (JC5)

    Madeline Cahill (JD4)

    Sharyn Smith (JC4)

    Stephanie Stedman (JD4)

  • Aimee Holloway (JA3)

    Alexis Rollins (JE5)

    Ali Becker (JD6)

    Ciaran Sgherza (JA3)

    Jennifer Kirk (JC3)

    Kylie Sgherza (JC5)

    Louise Garde (JC3)

    Miyuki Honma (JC5)

    Robin Benson (JC3)